Apearance(s): Manhunt
Name: The Smileys
Also Known As: Loonies
Type: Mental Patients
Known Members: Smiley 1
Smiley 2
Smiley 5
Smiley 6 (aka the Party Thrower)
Front(s): Darkwoods Penitentiary
Weapons: Fists
Meat Cleaver
Light Handgun
Sawn-Off Shotgun
Metal Bat
Hammer (beta)
Blackjack (beta)
Drill (beta)
Allies: The White Rabbit
Lionel Starkweather
Valiant Video Enterprises
Enemies: James Earl Cash
Darkwoods Orderlies (possibly)
Voiced by: Robert Stanton
Patrick McCartney
Robert Sedgwick
Glenn Fleshler
David Pittu
Tony F. DeVito
Jeremy Schwartz

"Gather round everybody, we're going to play some games!"
- The party-throwing Smiley

The Smileys are a dangerous pack of Hunters appearing in Manhunt, made up of escaped inmates of Darkwoods Penitentiary and are composed mostly of unstable sociopaths and mental defectives.

This gang are the final Hunters James Earl Cash faces off against in the snuff film before Lionel Starkweather tries to kill him to erase all incriminating evidence against himself.


The Smileys are a mentally-disturbed criminal gang made up of the many former inmates of Darkwoods Penitentiary. After James Earl Cash's execution was faked, they managed to break free and killed all the guards, taking over the entire asylum much to Lionel Starkweather's pleasure. They formed a gang called the Smileys and were employed by Starkweather for use in his snuff horror films. Members of the Smileys are genuinely insane or mentally unstable murderers, and kill Starkweather's runners for their own sick pleasure. The severity of their mental defectiveness varies between the members, but at least two or three of the Smileys seem to be more capable than the others. They wield a variety of weapons such as Meat Cleavers, Knives, and several firearms including Revolvers or Shotguns.

Most of the Smileys wear yellow smiley-face masks, some covered in blood and others with "KILL" or "PLEASE STOP ME" scrawled messily across them, but some wear facepaint instead, usually colored yellow (though some of them wear red facepaint). Some Smileys are also covered in tattoos and can be seen wearing blouses or garters, as they believe that they are females. They are the fifth and last group of Hunters Cash encounters in the snuff film according to Starkweather. Despite their insanity, some are still capable of taking basic orders, however, as they can be seen guarding important locations and being sent to kill Cash on command. The Smileys are the toughest gang Cash will face off against in the game's main storyline, and since Cash used to be a death row prisoner at Darkwoods, it is likely some of them could be his fellow ex-inmates. They are also said to share a strong rivalry with a similar gang called the Clowns, but that idea was scrapped from the final game.


Lionel Starkweather decided to make them the final Hunters in his new movie, starring James Earl Cash. Starkweather picked them for the finale over the Clowns, as the Smileys are considered superior.[1] The Clowns eventually left the Director, which could explain their absence from the game.


Manhunt All Smileys Quotes

After leaving the Carcer Chem Factory, Cash is returned to the Darkwoods Penitentiary by the Cerberus to face his former fellow inmates.[2] Though they are a more dangerous gang than all the previous ones he encountered, Cash kills all the Smileys in his path as he makes his way past the greenhouses and blasts through a brick wall the Smileys built to block his path. He kills the Smiley guarding the tower and brings his body to the guard room as instructed by Starkweather. He then kills more Smileys with a Hammer and Metal Baseball Bat with certain executions, before shooting his way past them to the showerblock.

The Smileys ambush Cash as the White Rabbit leads him into traps, but they are beaten back by Cash as he plows through them. In a last resort attack as planned by Starkweather to erase all incriminating evidence against himself (and kill Cash), the White Rabbit sends out the remaining Smileys to shoot down Cash. But he manages to kill every last one of them, including the White Rabbit himself.

Mission Appearances: Mouth of Madness, Doing Time, Kill The Rabbit, and Deliverance (ending cutscene, corpses).

Assassins for hire[]

Smileys have no description as they are not mercenaries, but merely a disturbed gang who work for Starkweather and patrol the insane asylum, although some of them are more coherent than others. This includes Smiley 6, Smiley 1, and even Fug.


Barry (Smiley 3)
Smiley 1
Smiley 1
Smiley 2
Fug (Smiley 5)
Enrico face
Smiley 6
Smiley with bat
Smiley 4


Fan Art[]


  • The Smileys are a reference to a gang from Grand Theft Auto 2 called the Loonies, whose logo is a yellow smiley face and they occupy a mental hospital. Coincidentally, Starkweather also refers to the Smileys as Loonies.
  • The Smiley 1 who refers to Cash as "Mr. Witchety Man", while being obsessed with shoes, dogs, and bones can occasionally be heard idly singing "Them bones, them bones, them dry bones" to himself. Some fans think it could be a vague reference to the Alice in Chains song "Them Bones" that was featured as part of the soundtrack to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, another Rockstar game released the following year after Manhunt.
  • In the beta version of the game and in artwork, some of the Smileys used a Hammer, which does not occur in the final release.
  • The Smileys were originally planned to be in the bonus level Brawl Game, but were cut for unknown reasons.
  • There is an error in the "Special Services for Hire" section of the instruction manual showing an image of the Fug Smileys member, saying the gang itself are professional bounty hunters or enforcers, while this is meant for the Innocentz, though this gang's members aren't such either and therefore the information is a developer oversight.
    • While this is likely false, the Smileys do possess knowledge of firearm combat and tactics, so it is possible some of its members were once planned to be former private agents by Rockstar Games during development.
  • Taking part in Rockstar's special event weekend for Grand Theft Auto Online's 1.17 update will give you a Smileys hockey mask with "Please Stop Me" scrawled across it, as a reference to the gang.
  • The Dixmor Inmates in Manhunt 2 are similar to the Smileys in that they are genuinely insane inmates who took over the Dixmor Asylum and killed some of its corrupt prison nurses as they broke free after a power outage. In comparison, however, these Hunters are completely unarmed, a stark contrast to the Smileys.
  • Seven voice actors are credited for the Smileys, but only six are used in game/found in the game files. It's possible that more than one voice actor provided audio for the Smiley whose dialogue is mostly just jabbering, yelling, and screaming.
  • Due to their insanity, the Smileys, unlike most other gangs, do not retreat when Cash points a firearm at them when they spot him, continuing to charge forward with no fear of death (unless they are armed with such weapon, which they do retreat). However, in Kill the Rabbit, some are still smart enough to realize the danger and will run away.
  • The Smileys are a vague reference to real life American serial killer Keith Hunter Jesperson, A.K.A. the Happy Face Killer, as shown by Scarecrow's real last name being Jesperson.
    • It's also unknown how Scarecrow managed to lead them, as they are unstable and mentally-ill murderers who have little sense of reality. It is possible he managed to order around Fug, Smiley 1, and Smiley 6 (the party thrower) since they are the three most normal of the group.
      • It has been speculated, although never confirmed, that the White Rabbit took over the gang once Scarecrow fell out of Lionel Starkweather's favor due to the fact he leads Cash through the final stages of the film.
  • From the artwork found in the Bonus Features, multiple beta/cut ideas can be seen. A Smiley can be seen holding a drill, which was ultimately cut from the game. They also seem to be dual-wielding, although it is unknown if Rockstar Games ever intended for it to be a feature. There was also going to be an overweight variant of the Smileys and they appeared to be wearing jumpsuits. In the top left corner, there seems to be a beta Smiley as the model is never seen in-game. The model is likely either a cut model of the overall variant or a cut model of the jumpsuit phase.
  • If one were to look at their save file of Manhunt in the PlayStation 2 console's memory card menu, the data itself shows the yellow smiley face logo of the Smileys as its icon. The front of it shows a happy face while the back shows a frowned "dead" expression.
  • Although the Smileys are the toughest of the five gangs to appear in Starkweather's snuff film, an even more dangerous gang, the Monkeys, exists for Cash to face in Monkey See, Monkey Die, despite they only appear in a bonus scene and therefore is not canon to the main storyline.
  • Cash kills a total of 83 Smileys in the three scenes they appear in.
  • One of the Smileys makes a noise similar to a spear being thrown and then yells "Come here!" which could be a vague reference to the iconic Mortal Kombat character, Scorpion.


  1. See bonus material #01 - "Fierce rivalry exists between to two gangs and although the Smileys are regarded as the superior pack, the Clowns are not to be laughed at."
  2. From the official Manhunt instruction manual: "Unbeknownst to the public, Cash's execution was all a ruse, thanks to the corrupt Darkwoods Penitentiary staff."

