Plastic bag

The Plastic Bag icons in Manhunt (left) and Manhunt 2 (right)

Plastic bag

The Plastic Bag as it appears in both Manhunt games.

The Plastic Bag is a Green Class weapon that appears in both Manhunt games. It is one of the weapons that commonly appears in most of the early levels in Manhunt, though it can still be found in some later missions. When equipped, it deals the same damage as that of unarmed, with 18 light attacks in combo or 8 heavy attacks are needed to knock down a Hunter. It is also the very first weapon James Earl Cash obtains in the game.

In Manhunt 2, it is found in the missions Awakening, Ghosts, Red Light, Best Friends, Assassination (PC/Wii), Most Wanted and Domestic Disturbance, serving the same purpose for Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper as in the first game.



Manhunt 2[]



  • Hasty: Cash slips the bag over the Hunter's head to suffocate him. It only takes about 5 seconds until the Hunter's body becomes limp.
  • Violent: Cash slips the bag over the Hunter's head. As he holds it tightly he then punches the Hunter in the kidney. The Hunter then turns around and falls on his knees in pain, and Cash lastly knees him three times in the face, knocking him down.
  • Gruesome: Cash slips the bag over the Hunter's head, Cash quickly then spins the Hunter around and punches him four times in the face, causing the Hunter to let out muffled moans of pain. To finish him off, Cash finally puts both of his hands on the Hunter's head and twists his neck.

Manhunt 2[]

  • Hasty: The same animation from the original game is used.
  • Violent: Daniel/Leo slips the bag over the Hunter's head, spins him around, and punches him in the stomach, then the face, and to finish him off, he headbutts the Hunter in the face.
  • Gruesome: Daniel/Leo slips the bag over the Hunter's head and spins him around to face him. He then punches the Hunter hard in the face twice. To finish him off, he then trips him (In the PS2/PSP versions, Daniel/Leo kills the Hunter by giving him an elbow to the head followed by another punch to the head after he trips him).
  • Jumping: Daniel/Leo jumps onto the Hunter and slips the bag over his head, as he lands he smashes the Hunter's face into the ground. To finish him, he smashes the Hunter's face into the ground for a second time.




Manhunt 2


  • The Hasty execution for the Plastic Bag in Manhunt is reused for its sequel. Therefore, it is the only weapon to have identical animations in both games.
  • In PS2 (beta and final) and PSP versions of Manhunt 2, when the Hunter is first punched during the Gruesome execution, he loudly screams in agony and confusion. The scream was cut out from PC/Wii releases.
  • Being the most basic weapon throughout the series alongside the Wire or Pen, the Plastic Bag gained notoriety in the Manhunt community, as it is also overall the first weapon used to execute a Hunter. In addition, there have been real-world cases of people being murdered through suffocation by plastic bags.