- "You're my big ugly Alice, so go on, follow the White Rabbit!"
- - The Director
Kill the Rabbit is the 13th scene in Manhunt where James Earl Cash faces and kills the last of the Smileys, including the White Rabbit, and is his final scene for the snuff film according to Lionel Starkweather.

The White Rabbit
Cash comes across a man dressed in a rabbit costume called the White Rabbit and is instructed to follow him.
As soon as Cash leaves the room where the scene has started and enters the first cellblock in this level, one of the Smileys runs out of the shower block before hitting a switch on the wall. The cellblock's entrance will close behind Cash, trapping him inside, and many members of the Smileys begin emerging from each cell. Four of the Hunters will try to kill Cash with Meat Cleavers.
Cash kills all of them, opens the gate, and continues following the White Rabbit. He then fights several Smileys with Shotguns and is instructed to get up to the watch-room, where "Mister Rabbit has left a gift" for Cash. When Cash reaches the watch-room, the cell area below starts to fill with armed Smileys.
Cash survives this wave of Hunters and carries on. After passing through narrow hallways, he enters a workshop where Starkweather ultimately tells him that this is the part of the snuff film where Cash is supposed to die (thus completely betraying him), and after that, the Rabbit leaves the prison's main building. Cash, thanks to his skills, shoots his way to freedom, killing all the Smileys in the workshop, and gets out of the prison.
The White Rabbit is shocked to see Cash alive and heads to the watchtower. Realizing that the Smileys failed to kill Cash, Starkweather sends his Cerberus reinforcements to eliminate him. Cash, however, wipes them off, kills the White Rabbit, grabs the prison's gate key, and escapes the Darkwoods Penitentiary, thus ending the scene. In the ending cutscene, Starkweather calls Remirez that Cash has "slipped his leash" and must "bring him to heel".
Characters []
- James Earl Cash
- White Rabbit
- Smileys
- Cerberus
- Ramirez (cutscene)
- Starkweather (audio only)
Weapons and Items[]
Green Class[]
- Glass Shard (unused)
Blue Class[]
- Meat Cleaver (11x)
- Knife (15x)
- Revolver (19x)
- Light Handgun (unused)
Red Class[]
- Shotgun (24x)
- Sniper Rifle (2x)
- Sawn-Off Shotgun (if kept from Doing Time)
- Assault Rifle (unused)
- Shotgun + Light (unused)
Yellow Class[]
- Severed Head
- Glass Bottle (1x)
- Brick (if kept from Doing Time)
- Can (unused)
- Prison Key (2x; 1 unobtainable)
- Sniper Rifle ammo (2x)
- Shotgun shells (2x)
- Divided They Fall - Completion.
- Art panel 13 in Bonus Material - 3 star rating.
- Rabbit Skin Cheat - 5 star rating & 5 star rating in Divided They Fall (5 star rating can only be achieved on Hardcore difficulty).
- Monkey See, Monkey Die - 3 star rating & 3 star rating in "Mouth of Madness, Doing Time, Divided They Fall, and Press Coverage.
Video Walkthroughs[]
- Before the game's release, this mission was originally known as Pool of Tears. This is clearly a direct reference to the second chapter of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
- The level's name, "Kill the Rabbit" is famously used by Elmer Fudd in an attempt to kill Bugs Bunny in the "What's Opera, Doc?" episode in the classic Looney Tunes series.
- The Hammer, Metallic Baseball Bat, Plastic Bag (if acquired via trainer), Wire (if acquired via trainer), and Spiked Bat (if acquired via trainer/Oob Glitch) will disappear from Cash's arsenal if the player tries to keep them from the previous scene.
- Cash chasing the White Rabbit under Starkweather's orders is a reference to Disney's 1951 film Alice in Wonderland.
- Two beta Cash corpses can be found in the level. One is tied to an electric chair and the other is lying dead on a mattress near the end of the asylum, not far off from the first one.

One of the two Beta Cash corpses found in the level
- Just before the section where Cash kills the last remaining Smileys, there is a locked door with a sign above it which says: Penitentiary Armory. There is a hidden switch in the next room that opens it and inside are 3 Shotguns.
- In the room past the second beta Cash corpse, where you can find several corpses in body bags lying on tables, there will be two Painkiller items behind one of the tables. If you go to pick up the Painkillers, the corpse in front of them will get up and make a jumpscare noise, and then lie back down on the table soon after.
- At the end of the level, there will be a Cerberus guard inside the Penitentiary that can be seen through the windows. If you leave two corpses in the platform that are needed to open the gate, one of them will still be there and you'll be able to return and find him. Despite showing red alert status if he sees you, he's actually completely harmless and is the only Cerberus in the entire game that is unarmed. You can kill and even execute him without problems.
- This particular Cerberus guard, however, will only remain harmless if Cash decides to kill all the remaining guards with the Sniper Rifle from the tower. If the player goes down without killing all of them, a cutscene will play were this Cerberus will warn the others to take cover, causing them all to immediately rush Cash and make surviving the gun battle extremely difficult. The Cerberus inside the Penitentiary will now be equipped with a Shotgun and will also come running from the inside to ambush Cash and assist the other members.
- If you manage to execute a Cerberus during this level, the regular execution audio will oddly play. Cerberus usually have specific audio with filters when executed, but not in this case, where they scream in pain as if they were unmasked. This is most likely a developer oversight since executing a Cerberus in this level is not something to be expected, as they only appear at the end of the level, in small numbers, and in an area where sneaking behind one would be extremely difficult.
- Considering the fact that the Assault Rifle appears in Cash's Red Class weapon slot with the Fully Equipped cheat enabled instead of the Shotgun, it is suggested that this weapon was originally going to be used by the Cerberus or Smileys, but was cut in the final game. The Light Handgun is another weapon in the Blue Class equipped for Cash with said cheat, but isn't found anywhere in the level.
- As the White Rabbit is a boss character, he has twice as much health as regular Hunters. The only efficient way to kill him quickly is to fire a Shotgun blast to his head.
- The scene has 50 hunters (36 Smileys, 13 Cerberus, and the White Rabbit).