- "Where do you think you're going, little man? Huh? Huh! What the fuck? You think you're tough! Think you're tough? I'll rip your fucking head off!"
- - Ramirez
Divided They Fall is the 14th scene in Manhunt, where James Earl Cash is ambushed by Ramirez and the remaining members of the Wardogs, and must kill them to escape.

After escaping Darkwoods Penitentiary and eliminating the Smileys, Cash is on the run from Starkweather. While making his way through the Darkwoods district of Carcer City, he suddenly runs into Ramirez and the Wardogs who have been instructed by Starkweather to capture Cash.
Caught off-guard, Cash takes a beating from Ramirez and is stripped of all his weapons before they let him loose outside an abandoned apartment building, for a game of 'hide and seek'. Ramirez heads up to his room and uses a Sniper Rifle to try and spot Cash from above, while three of his Wardogs are at ground level hunting him, but he kills them.
Now frustrated, Ramirez sends Wardogs armed with Shotguns down in an attempt to finish Cash off. But, Cash kills them as well and begins making his way up the apartment complex in search of Ramirez, killing all the Wardogs in his path.
Ramirez doubles back past Cash and runs downstairs while more Wardogs head upwards. Cash heads back downstairs killing all the Wardogs in his way once more. If Cash fails to kill Ramirez within 2 minutes and 30 seconds, two more Wardogs with Sniper Rifles will arrive, making it harder.
Once Ramirez is finally dead, Cash escapes the area and runs away to the sound of gunshots (implying he did not completely wipe out the Wardogs) and is picked up by the female Journalist who drives him away to safety in her car, and explains she is trying to bring down Starkweather, but he is on to her and needs his help.
Characters []
- James Earl Cash
- Ramirez
- Wardogs
- Journalist (cutscene)
- Starkweather (mentioned)
- Piggsy (corpse)
- Innocentz (graffiti)
Weapons and Items[]
Green Class[]
- Barbed Wire (2x)
- Plastic Bag (2x)
Blue Class[]
- Machete (9x)
- Ice Pick (unused)
- Axe (unused)
- Heavy Handgun (cutscene)
Red Class[]
- Shotgun (21x)
- Sniper Rifle (4x, 1 unobtainable)
- Wooden Bat (unused)
- Metal Bat (unused)
- Sawn-Off Shotgun (unused)
Yellow Class[]
- Can (4x)
- Brick (1x)
- Severed Head
- Glass Bottle (2x)
- Sniper Rifle Bullets (1x)
- Press Coverage - Completion.
- Art panel 14 in Bonus Material - 3 star rating.
- Rabbit Skin Cheat - 5 star rating & 5 star rating in Kill The Rabbit (5 star rating can only be achieved on Hardcore difficulty).
- Monkey See, Monkey Die - 3 star rating & 3 star rating in Mouth of Madness, Doing Time, Kill The Rabbit, and Press Coverage.
Video Walkthroughs[]
- Ramirez cannot be executed. If the player tries to perform an execution, there will be a short cutscene where Cash grabs Ramirez from behind, but Ramirez fights and knocks him off and then taunts him, leaving the player vulnerable to attack. To kill him, Cash must shoot him down with a firearm or beat him to death.
- If the player tries to execute Ramirez, the game oddly will still count it in the number of Hunters executed, although Ramirez himself won't die nor take any damage.
- Ramirez's backup consists of two Wardogs wielding Sniper Rifles.
- Strangely, if the player tries to execute Ramirez with a Plastic Bag, it will disappear after the "execution". But, if the player tries that with a Wire, it will remain in Cash's inventory. With the use of trainer mods, if the player tries to execute Ramirez with the Chainsaw (not found in the level), the same animation will play and Ramirez’ head will fall, but he still won’t die or take damage.
- During the opening cutscene, Cash will be carrying a Shotgun and a Heavy Handgun, despite what he may be carrying at the end of the previous scene.
- This is the scene where you find out the director's actual name, revealed by the Journalist in the ending cutscene, although it was already mentioned several times before by the Smileys and Ramirez in dialogue.
- This level has the only appearance of the Ice Pick (obtainable only via trainer).
- The shop on the ground floor of the left building is a copy of the doughnut shop in Little Haiti from GTA: Vice City. But, this one is a little larger.
- The map of this scene is actually the cut area from Born Again. This explains the interior of the same donut shop, as well as the ending cutscene taking place right outside the entrance to the cut area.
- The scene has 32 Hunters in total. 29 Wardogs will be encountered if Ramirez was killed before his backup arrives, while 2 more Wardogs will come if the player fails to kill Ramirez within 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
- This is the only scene in the game where all the garbage bags have hidden weapons. Also, this is the only scene where the player can find two hidden Painkillers in two garbage bags.
- In the ending cutscene, gunshots can be heard, implying Cash did not kill all the Wardogs entirely, and therefore the only gang in the game that has not been completely wiped out.
- Graffiti resembling the style of the Innocentz can be found outside the apartment block sprayed onto the walls. This would suggest that they once inhabited this area.
- Inside one of the rooms in Ramirez's apartment are two hung decapitated corpses above four body bags resembling Piggsy. These same corpses can also be seen in Hard as Nails.