Weapons 2 blue powersaw

The Circular Saw as it appears in Manhunt 2

The Circular Saw is a Blue Class weapon in Manhunt 2.


Manhunt 2[]


  • Hasty: Danny/Leo runs the Saw up the hunter's back, making him fall to his knees then cuts the face of the hunter, killing him.
  • Violent: Danny/Leo hits the hunter on his head, causing him to fall to his knees. The hunter then turns his head and raises his right arm to defend himself but Danny/Leo cuts it. The hunter falls on his face with Danny/Leo finishing him off by sawing through his neck, killing him.
  • Gruesome: Danny/Leo saws the hunters legs, causing him to scream and fall on his back as Danny/Leo proceeds to saw him vertically in half from the groin up to his head, killing him.
  • Jumping: Danny/Leo hits the hunter over the head with the Saw as he lands, causing him to fall to the ground. Danny/Leo then runs the Saw from the back to his head, killing him.


  • The PC version has a unique scream on the Violent execution. When the hunter's arm is cut, the hunter will scream a loud "OWH!" painfully and in agony. Also in PC and Wii versions, the sound part where the hunter is hit on the head and he says "oh, no" is taken from the PSP/PS2 execution of the hunter being cut in half.
  • The Gruesome and Violent executions are reversed from PS2/PSP to PC/Wii.


  • An unintended side-effect is that the Circular Saw is able to break open locks by swinging at them. This can be most easily tested during Sexual Deviants' dungeon part at one of the locked gates.

